Sharp And Well-Detailed Biomech Tattoo Options

If you’re looking for a tattoo artist around Manchester who can deliver top-tier biomechanical tattoos that can make even your friends a bit jealous, head on over to NH Custom Tattoo. We’re one of, if not the best choice for biomech tattoos. From simple and sleek designs to concepts that run across your entire body, we’re giving you an all day biomech tattoo buffet with our artist. You’re definitely left with a piece of art you can showcase to any event and make people stare at astonishment. Check out more about biomechanical tattoos below to understand more about this particular type of contemporary tattoo.

What are biomechanical tattoos?

Biomechanical tattoos are a form of contemporary art that involves the merging of the human body with mechanical parts. Joints and bone are replaced with a visual representation of what looks like exposed metal components on the tattoo design. The goal of such tattoos is to give off a three dimensional aspect in which the mechanical components seem as real as it can get. So when people see your biomech tattoo, they will definitely look back to check if it’s real, only to find that it’s a kickass tattoo.

This type of tattoo art is rather new compared to the more traditional tattoo styles such as that of colored or black and white tattoos, dating only to around 1979 when the movie  “Alien” brought about the concept to the world stage. It’s not long before tattoo artists began copying the same concept and incorporating it into their own set of services. Nowadays, you can see biomechanical tattoos around, showcased by both men and women as a form of not only masculinity and femininity, but also creativity and technological self expression.

Why should i get a biomech tattoo

From the name itself, you wouldn't want to be caught without a dope biomech tattoo that would make even the terminator himself blush. If you’re the type of person who’s into the more modern type of body art, biomechanical tattoos is definitely something you would want to take a look at. Not to mention that you will get inked with a piece of art that’s as complex as the very mechanical components that it depicts. Given the three dimensional aspect of biomechanical tattoos, there is no doubt that such tattoos can and will make heads turn and necks break.

Sometimes, it’s simply not enough to have a tattoo that depicts your lifestyle or background. Sometimes, you just want to get inked with a hell raising tat that will bring the rock in rock and roll. It’s modern, complex, expressive, eye catching, and let’s be’s simply bad to  the bone.

How do I start?

Given the nature of such art, biomech tattoos are not something that any tattoo artist can pull off. Itr requires the creativity of an artist paired with the idea of a visionary, as well as steady hands that will make sure each fine detail on the design is met with deadly accuracy. At NH Custom Tattoo, Manchester’s best biomechanical tattoo shop, we have a master tattoo artist who can deliver way above what you are looking for in such tattoo style. With years of experience in various design concepts, and recognitions to match, you can rest assured that your biomech tattoo does not only look good, but it will make you feel like you’re ready for the rise of the machines when we’re done.

Give us a call so you can book an appointment with us. It’s best to discuss with us your desired tattoo design, once we lock down the right art for you, we’ll proceed with setting up your tattoo session. It’s the NH Custom treatment you’re gonna get. With chill drinks, banging music, and good company to tell your story with, to make you more comfortable getting that ink. Partner with Manchester, New Hampshire’s premier tattoo parlor today. Partner with NH Custom Tattoo.


Biomech tattoos - in Manchester, NH and anywhere else in the world - are considered one of the more radical types of body art out there. Instead of going for the traditional lines, curves, and overall symbolism that other tattoo styles provide, this type of tattoo commands strength and combines technological concepts with a whole lot of guts to properly rock them!

If you’re looking to get inked with a sick Biomech tattoo that you can show off to anyone, Manchester’s definitely the place to be. NH Custom Tattoo provides dope Biomechs tattoos that will make heads turn and the haters hate even more! Our very own master tattoo artist, Jake Custom, has been doing this type of tattoo for years now and there’s no denying the brilliance that comes from him. If you’ve ever seen Biomech ink over the Internet, you could easily see that it takes a keen sense of detail and a lot of patience. So, it’s safe to say that not all artists can deliver the attention to detail that his type demands.

For Jake though, Biomechanical tattoos are what he thrives on. With years of experience working in the tattoo industry, he has acquired the skills and patience to produce mechanical results that would make any tech enthusiast jealous! Check out the biomech designs he inked on his past clients over on his GALLERY page to see for yourself what you can expect when you partner with NH Custom Tattoo.

For reservations and inquiries, give us a call at 603-833-3458. We’ll set a consultation session with you prior to getting inked. You can also send us a direct message by filling out the form provided for you below.

When people need a checkup, they go to a doctor. If they need someone to get their car fixed, they head to a mechanic. If they need hell-raising Biomech tattoos, they go to Manchester, NH’s best, they go to NH Custom Tattoo.